
小编摘要:手机人人用,天天用。手机给人们带来了便利的同时,它对健康的危害也是个颇具争议的话题。手机到底对健康有多大的危害呢?英国专家称,它是健康的定时炸弹! 导读:英国的专家称,手机可能是健康的定时炸弹,因此敦促部长们警告公众手机的危害性。超过200项的学术研究表明,使用手机与严重的健康问题有着密切联系。一份报道称政府对对手机的巨大危害轻描淡写,尤其是孩子们更易受到手机辐射的危害。甚至有研究显示,孩子的行为问题极有可能是母亲怀孕期间使用手机造成的。大家应该对手机的危害予以足够的重视。 Mobile phones could be a ‘health time bomb’, say experts who are urging ministers to warn the public. More than 200 academic studies link use of the devices with serious health conditions such as brain tumours, according to a group of leading scientists. In a report published yesterday, Read more…

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